Heard on the Show

Shocking Ghost Hunter Revelations-Can you Talk with The Dead?

Shocking Ghost Hunter Revelations-Can you Talk with The Dead?

Leon’s Headlines Oct 31: HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Report: Canadians are opting for cheaper options in the candy aisle, getting creative with costumes, putting up fewer decorations & turning off the lights earlier as the elevated cost of living remains a concern for many.

-Could be one for the record books. Coldest Halloween was in 1991, when at 6pm Trick or Treaters braved the cold at -14. Tonight’s 6pm temperature is expected to be -11. The best Halloween weather was 1983 when it was balmy +16 at 6pm.

-Winter weather closes highways Monday night due to ice, including 1 from the SK border to #21 in either direction & westbound bypass east of Portage. Everything now re-opened.

-MPI strike continues as union members vote to reject latest offer Monday evening.

-City of Brandon’s maintenance on water valves started Monday; residents may experience some loss of water pressure or discoloured water.

-Man arrested after manhunt in western MB Oct. 26; RCMP from Ste. Rose arrested a 26 yr old after allegedly stealing a pickup.

-Dauphin RCMP investigating a robbery at a business in the city Oct. 24 on 1st Ave NE. A masked man stole items, leaving on a mountain bike.

-MB physician numbers far below national average; 215 doctors per 100K residents in 2022, the 2nd lowest in Canada.

(Kelly and Ashley during recent Wpg TV Interview)

The Winnipeg Paranormal Group’s Kelly Smith and Ashley Barnes came on the show to celebrate Halloween and talk about the Paranormal and what they do with it, for it, researching it, fighting it, learning about it and more. The team investigates both private residences and public venues throughout Manitoba, where clients need help explaining the problems they may be experiencing. The team investigates, researches, documents and uncovers any evidence of either ‘real world’ explanations or activity that can only be explained as paranormal and presents it in follow up with clients. It’s a passion project and not a full time job or business, and the services are at no cost to the client but they do take donations to cover any expenses and travel. Here’s the website to contact them and their social media accounts to follow them. Great duo filled with info and great stories, especially for Halloween!


(Enchanted Readings at a recent trade show)

Debbie Kool came on the show to explain her talents in speaking with “entities beyond the grave”. Building on our earlier guests, energy appears to be channeled in a way that allows Debbie to communicate in a vague yet effective way with people who appear to be closer than we even know. Debbie is orignally from the Brandon area and now makes her home in BC. She had some encouraging things to say for the Sun Seeker and even some messages FOR ME!!!!!! Thanks Deb!

(Deb Kool: FB)


Mike Meyers of the INTERNET. It’s been nearly four years since Evan Zimmerman first went viral for terrorizing his wife in a Michael Myers costume. In the 2019 Facebook clip, Sabrina Zimmerman is driving home from work, when suddenly, she spots her husband dressed as the fictional serial killer. Later that day, Sabrina put the clip on social media, where it racked up millions of views and thousands of comments. Sensing they were on to something, the Zimmermans, who live in Decatur, Indiana, created the “Michael Myers of Decatur,” Facebook page. They now have more than 1.3 million followers. The videos are very funny and the best part, is he doesn’t have to say a thing.

Halloween decorations behaving badly. An elementary school in Washington state has erected a privacy fence to prevent students from seeing a neighbor’s Halloween skeletons arranged in sexual poses, according to a local news outlet. One neighbor who said, “There’s a time and a place for these kinds of things, and that’s an adult thing right there” while one Dad said, there’s more to see on the internet that what looks like skeletons wrestling.


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